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Dewey-Humboldt Homes for Sale

Dewey-Humboldt, Arizona, has a population of just under 4,000 people, covers 18 square miles, and is located 15 miles east of Prescott, Arizona. Dewey-Humboldt is known for the country festivals that were held at Young's Farm since 1946. Young's Farm was sold and the festivals now continue by the Mortimer Family. The type of housing in this quiet community ranges from retirement communities, rural acreages, golf properties, and subdivision.  The Prescott Country Club and Golf Course, the 55+ Villages at Lynx Creek, and the Quailwood subdivision are popular housing communities in Dewey-Humboldt. Dewey-Humboldt offers a perfect setting for retirement or a quiet place to raise a family.

Below are just a few of the homes currently for sale in Dewey-Humboldt

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Homes under $250k Homes $250k to $500k Homes $500k to $750k
Luxury Homes Condos For Sale 55+ Community Homes

Golf Course Homes Dewey-Humboldt Homes For Sale

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